Bipoc News

Where major California education bills stand after deadline for approval passes

For 30 years, California has experimented with a school choice program that let parents enroll their children in nearby districts that opened up seats for outsiders. Now the little-known District of Choice program, which the Legislature has renewed seven times, will become permanent through the passage of Senate Bill 897, authored by Sen. Josh Newman, D-Fullerton, if the governor signs the bill.

Only about 10,000 — about 0.2% — of the state’s students annually have taken advantage of the program.  Most attend a half-dozen, primarily small districts in Southern California.

Districts of choice must be open to all who apply, including students with disabilities, who may be more expensive to serve. To prevent wealthier, primarily white families from exiting their home districts, SB 897 adds some stipulations to existing restrictions to prevent racial disparities and financial impacts. After accommodating siblings of transferees,…

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