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What Happens When You Abandon Books? – The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator

My brother is currently a sophomore in college, and he hasn’t read a single book in the entirety of his time there. He has taken courses that include English, history, religion, psychology, and other humanities. You would be right to assume that reading books, often in their entirety, would be required in these subjects. 

This follows a new trend in the education system. In the past two weeks, I have read at least two recent news stories lamenting the plummeting reading levels in students and young people. While you might assume that this has the alarm bells ringing; it appears that this is all part of the plan. It is a part of a systematic shift in education, as well as how we think about the world. It’s a shift away from reading and writing and toward the sciences — resulting in negative effects on a student’s studies, as well as their mental well-being. (RELATED: The Classical Education Reformers Have a…

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