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UW CAVES, pledges to offer scholarships to Gazan students, press no charges in deal with encampment protesters | The Post Millennial

The University of Washington’s Gaza encampment will be dismantled after administrators and organizers struck a deal on Friday morning. Part of the deal includes scholarships for Gazan students and to forgo any citations for those in the unsanctioned encampment. 

UW officials caved to the protesters’ demands and agreed to forgo filing any criminal charges for unsanctioned camping against individuals involved in the illegal occupation as long as the encampment is permanently dismantled. 

As a result, Gaza camp organizers agreed to dismantle the encampment situated on the Quad by 3 pm Monday, and not reestablish it. 

In a press release on Friday afternoon, the University of Washington said: 

“With a commitment from students, faculty, staff and community supporters to voluntarily end the encampment on a permanent basis the university will: Forgo referrals for citations or conduct violations for…

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