Bipoc News

Trump's policies have uplifted Black families. Give him another term to finish the job

The message was clear when Joe Biden told Black voters in 2012 that Republicans intended to “put y’all back in chains,” and then later that if you didn’t vote for him, “you ain’t Black.” 

Biden takes the Black vote for granted. It will cost him. 

What started as reliable support from a community that has overwhelmingly voted Democrat for decades has now turned to desperation and pandering as Biden’s poll numbers continue to slip. 

Democratic policies have left the Black community farther and farther behind: dismal education prospects, unsafe streets, aide open border, a disastrous economy, and fewer opportunities to achieve the American dream. 

Rather than change course, Democrats just keep on pandering. It is not lost on Black folks that only within the last few weeks — when poll after poll shows Biden trailing — that Biden has finally decided to show up in the Black community. Are we only important…

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