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Trump Derangement Syndrome at Tulane University – The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator

Parents of future political science students should think twice before sending their children to Tulane University, whose faculty includes political science professor Christopher Fettweis. Fettweis has written in The National Interest a mindless screed about President-elect Donald Trump, who he calls “Dear Leader” in a not-so-subtle comparison to North Korea’s communist dictator Kim Jong Un. Fettweis asserts that a second Trump administration will not prove to be good for those like him who advocate a foreign policy of restraint. Trump, instead, Fettweis writes, is a “dire, existential threat” to restraint in foreign policy.

Predictably, Fettweis offers no factual basis for his anti-Trump hissy fit. He simply asserts that Trump in his second term will be “unrestrained by archaic constitutional notions of checks and balances.” Trump, he writes, “is likely to produce catastrophe and disgrace beyond the…

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