Bipoc News

The Horseshoe Politics of Higher Education – Matthew Kuchem

Judging by recent news, the so-called higher education wars are about to go nuclear, as the Trump administration targets diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and threatens to shutter the Department of Education.

For all the attention these partisan fights receive, what often goes unnoticed is the reality that they are symptomatic of deepening polarization and creeping illiberalism on both the left and the right, especially among cultural and political elites. Both factions’ attempts to save higher education from their ideological opponents only undermine higher ed’s integrity and threaten to torpedo a growing cross-ideological and bipartisan coalition to shore up colleges and universities.

As the conflict enters a new phase, it is worth taking a step back to survey the landscape. Social scientists have for years called attention to the deepening polarization of American society, which has severely warped…

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