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‘Sporting Range Good Neighbor Act’ Is Gun Control Disguised as Environmental Regulation, Officials in NY’s Schuyler County Say

The county legislature passed a resolution urging NY’s senate and assembly to reject the bill, which would impose costly new requirements on sporting ranges.

New York’s Schuyler County Legislature has passed a resolution opposing a bill that some county officials warn is a gun control measure disguised as an amendment to an environmental conservation law.

The resolution, introduced for consideration before the Schuyler County Legislature on May 13, declares that the draft bill—called the “Sporting Range Good Neighbor Act”—is a deceptively named measure that seeks to needlessly and unfairly burden people engaged in the sport of skeet and trap shooting.

The document goes on to describe the measure as a “mis-named Act” that is both an “unnecessary and burdensome” effort that will “cause severe hardship on the clubs, members, and schools” who depend on the sport “with no empirical evidence that the mandates and…

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