Bipoc News

School ‘defects’ check ordered and ‘young adults to ill to work’

The Guardian headline reads "Safety checks ordered amid fears of defects in thousands of schools"

The Guardian leads with ministers ordering safety checks on a group of post-war school buildings over fears of defects in thousands of schools. The paper writes that after months of delays, contractors have finally been appointed to investigate the buildings. The main front page image is the crashed Jeju Air plane in which 179 people died.

"Rising toll of young adults too ill to work" headlines the Times

The death of former US president Jimmy Carter was announced too late on Sunday for many papers to reflect in their early editions – but quick-acting editors at the Times do find front-page space for a picture and sizeable story marking his passing. The newspaper leads with what its headline labels a “rising toll” of young women who are more likely to be off work due to sickness than because they are looking after children.

"Labour to 'diversify' national curriculum" headlines the Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph leads with the government wanting to make the national curriculum more “diverse” as part of a review to “refresh” what is taught in schools. The broadsheet…

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