Bipoc News

School covered up cries of bullied boy ridiculed for ‘looking like Jeffrey Dahmer’: lawsuit

The parents of a 10-year-old boy who hanged himself in May after “horrific bullying” are suing their son’s school, claiming staff covered up complaints and punished victims who spoke up about the issue.

The mom and dad of Sammy Tuesch, who killed himself at the family’s home in Greenfield, Ind., filed a wrongful-death lawsuit last week against the local school system for allegedly ignoring repeated complaints about their son’s torment at the hands of the other students.

Sammy’s classmates would call him “Dahmer,” saying the fourth-grader looked like serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, the suit says.

“When Sammy complained to his teacher, her only response was that, in her opinion,  Sammy did somewhat resemble Jeffrey Dahmer,” the lawsuit reads.

The heartbroken parents of 10-year-old son Sammy Teusch say the boy killed himself over relentless bullying. Stillinger Family Funeral Home
Sam and Nicci…

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