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Psychologists Debunk ‘Harmful’ Policies Still Used in US Schools

Abstinence-only sex education programs are among many practices in U.S. schools that are harmful to children, psychologists have warned.

In a new book titled Investigating School Psychology, researchers have carried out a review of studies to examine which school psychology practices pose a risk to young people by giving them misleading or unscientific information.

They warn that many school programs, including zero tolerance policies, are “entrenched in school culture” but are often unsupported by scientific evidence or based on “fringe science.”

Not only do these strategies fail to keep children safe, they also direct crucial funds away from evidence-based practices, such as education that involves teaching young people about contraception.

Speaking to Newsweek, Stephen Hupp, a professor of psychology at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and one of the editors of the book, said:

“Educators want to do everything they can to make…

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