Bipoc News

Pseudo-court fines town for refusing to fly imperial LGBT flag. Emo mayor ordered to undergo re-education says he won’t pay.

A pseudo-court recently fined a small Canadian town and its mayor for refusing in a 3-2 vote to proclaim the month of June “Pride Month” and to hoist the LGBT activists’ colors. According to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, a failure to oblige the activist group Borderland Pride constitutes discrimination.

Harold McQuaker, a small construction business owner and the mayor of the Township of Emo, Ontario — just north of the Minnesota border — remains defiant, telling the Toronto Sun Monday, “I utterly refuse to pay the $5,000 because that’s extortion.”

McQuaker indicated that the town council, on which he has the deciding vote, will together determine what to do about the $10,000 the court ordered Emo to pay — a sum the Sun indicated is “tougher than most criminals ever receive.”

“I have a lot of respect for our four councilors,” said McQuaker. “We have a special meeting of council, and they will decide that and what…

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