Bipoc News

Michelle & Leslie Alexander, Cynthia McKinney, and Detroit’s Dr. George Shirley



* Dr. Jared Ball interviews the dynamic political scholars Michelle and Leslie Alexander. The sisters discuss how mass Black incarceration has become “the New Jim Crow,” and why Black leadership is so reluctant to do anything about it.


* “The Israelis have gone absolutely stark raving mad” in their attempts to defend their murderous assault on a humanitarian fleet on its way to Gaza” says former Georgia Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, herself a former captive of the Israelis.


* Please, don’t let them stop the music in Motown! Music and arts classes are scheduled to be all but eliminated from Detroit’s public schools. “As an African American, I find this criminal,” says 90 year-old Dr. George Shirley, the first Black to serve as a music teacher in the Detroit system.

Michelle Alexander, Glen Ford, Dr. Jared Ball, Cynthia McKinney

Listen to this week’s Black Agenda Radio, with Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey, on the…

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