Bipoc News

Medical School To Host Course With Activist Who Said ‘White People Are Psychopaths’

The University of California San Francisco School of Medicine is hosting a continuing education course for doctors run by a left-wing activist who said that “white people are psychopaths” because of their “evolutionary history.”

The course, which costs $575 per attendee and is titled “Understanding the Roots of Racism and Bias: Anti-Blackness, and Its Links to Whiteness, White Racism, Privilege, and Power,” will be administered by DEI consultant and anti-white activist Dante King. King previously gave a speech at UCSF titled “diagnosing whiteness,” in which he claimed that “whites are psychopaths” because of their “evolutionary history.”

“Whites are psychopaths and their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history,” King said.

“How many of you can see the proclivity that evolved deep within the evolutionary history of Whiteness by…

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