Bipoc News

Massive Defense Bill Creates Sperm Freezing Program, Dumps Millions Into ‘Minority Serving’ Schools

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House of Representatives Thursday authorizes hundreds of millions in funding for “Minority Serving Institutions” and finances the freezing of sperm and eggs for some service members.

The nearly $884 billion bill includes over $102 million dollars in funding for “Minority Serving Institutions” and “Historically Black Colleges and Universities” (HBCUs), and establishes a development program that provides eligible service members with a $500 reimbursement for the cryopreservation of sperm and a $10,000 reimbursement for the cryopreservation of eggs. (RELATED: ‘Affirm And Support LGBTQIA+ Identities’: Biden Admin Dishing Out Millions To Treat Eating Disorders With Gay Pride)

Section 709 of the NDAA authorizes the creation of a three-year development program to fund the freezing of qualifying service members’ sperm and eggs: “The Secretary of Defense…

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