New Orleans Blacks Win Partial Katrina Legal Victory
A federal court ruled that Blacks whose homes were damaged by Hurrican Katrina were systemically shortchanged for repair and replacement aid, under the “Road Home” program. However, the court declined to rectify the awards that have already been made. Damon Hewitt, of theNAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, says “there are people in place in the federal government who can make this right if they wanted to, right now.”
Vampire Economy Vs. Main Street
“The vampire economy of the banks,” hedge funds, etc. and “the derivatives they produce is parasitic on the real economy that produces actual things for the public good,” says Anthony Monteiro, professor of African American Studies, Temple University. “The Wall Street vampire economy has been saved from complete collapse, but the future of the Main Street economy is in question.”
White Nationalists Gone Wild