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Ladies and Democrats, the Bronx Is Turning – The American Spectator

“Who would think?” Donald Trump asked. “Who would think?”

A tree grows in Brooklyn, a Republican speaks in the Bronx — six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Donald Trump reminded fellow New Yorkers Thursday of his success as a builder in an address that promised to “make New York City great again.”

Amid a sea of red hats and over the din of “USA!” chants, the former president pointed to garbage and needles in the streets, train stops that look like they last received a cleaning in 1932, crime, illegal immigrants draining resources, failing schools, and fleeing businesses as New York City problems he promises to fix.

Stump speech in much of its content, surreal speech in its setting, it struck as smart and effective.

He praised New York City and emphasized that Democratic politicians trashed it. He highlighted his role in building the city, pointing to the Ferry’s Point golf club in the Bronx, the…

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