Bipoc News

JAMES CARTER: The Standard Of ‘Are You Better Off?’

In what was arguably the most memorable moment of the sole debate between President Jimmy Carter and Gov. Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential campaign, Reagan famously asked the American people: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Less well known was then-Sen. Joseph R. Biden’s cringe-worthy response. (RELATED: DIANA FURCHTGOTT-ROTH: Democrats Are On A Different Planet)

In a video released by Biden’s 1984 re-election campaign, Biden slammed Reagan, saying: “Now we’ve got candidates running for president saying, ‘Are you better off today than you were yesterday?’ I mean, what kind of standard is that for this country to repair to?”

“What kind of standard is that?” Really? Mr. President, it’s the only standard that ultimately matters. To assert otherwise, as you are fond of saying, is malarkey.

But for the sake of President Biden’s re-election, he had better hope the American people…

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