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Indian Students Who Enrolled in Fake University Run by ICE Can Sue the Government, Court Rules

Hundreds of foreign students who enrolled at a Michigan university that turned out to be a sting operation run by federal immigration officials can sue the government to recoup their tuition, a federal appeals court ruled last week.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled on June 25 that the U.S. government wasn’t immune from a 2020 lawsuit filed by Teja Ravi, a former student at the fake “University of Farmington,” on behalf of himself and other students, because it entered into contracts with hundreds of students like Ravi for services that it never delivered.

The ruling overturns a 2022 lower court decision dismissing Ravi’s lawsuit and remands it back to the lower court for further consideration. Both the Trump and Biden administrations argued that the government was shielded from Ravi’s suit by sovereign immunity. 

The three-judge panel unanimously ruled that the government was not immune and had not…

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