Bipoc News

GOP Guv Spencer Cox Grills School Board Member For Publicly Questioning Athlete’s Gender

A school board member in Utah with a history of hateful posts was grilled by GOP lawmakers and the state’s Republican governor, Spencer Cox, after she publicly questioned the gender of a 16-year-old high school athlete, who then faced a firestorm of harassment.

Natalie Cline, a first-term Republican board member of the Utah Department of Education, has regularly spewed hateful rhetoric on her Facebook page, including a post last Independence Day where she claimed schools were brainwashing children into “queer, gender bending ideologies.”

On Tuesday night, Cline shared a flier for a high school basketball team on her official Facebook page and implied that one of the featured athletes was transgender, writing, “Girls’ basketball…”

The post blew up with dozens of commenters making nasty remarks about the child, while others explained that the girl in question was not transgender. Her parents described the athlete as being a…

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