The slate of “parent’s rights” bills that swept through red-state legislatures over the past three years may have seemed innocuous enough to the average observer; in fact, even the most controversial of the bills proved to be broadly popular with the American public. But left-wing writers saw more malign motives lurking under the hood. Jamelle Bouie was one such writer. Her March 2023 New York Times column, ominously titled “What the Republican Push for ‘Parents’ Rights’ is Really All About,” warned readers of the movement’s nefarious intent to undo progress, empower reactionaries, and “undermine public education,” among numerous other evils — an argument that was almost indistinguishable from the hundreds of other columns to the same effect. But in between a recitation of the conventional progressive script, Bouie briefly happened upon a kernel of truth: “‘Parents’ rights,’ like…
DeSantis’ Latest Bill Exposes the Limits of Parents’ Rights – The American Spectator