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DAVID MARCUS: In deep blue Philly, the libs think we regret voting for Trump

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I met Greg, who is about my age, as we both had an early dinner in Center City, and while our conversation was calm and friendly, as a progressive Democrat, he is very literally scared and even angry about President Donald Trump in ways that seem to me wildly over the top.

“If I had to pull a gun on a Republican, that’s what I’d have to do,” Greg told me. “This is the greatest crossroads in our country since the Civil War.”

It didn’t feel particularly threatening. Even though he knew I am a Republican who voted for Trump, I figured he didn’t mean me.

But he sure as hell meant something.

Greg, who I met in Philadelphia, can't believe Republicans are happy with President Trump's performance.

Greg, who I met in Philadelphia, can’t believe Republicans are happy with President Trump’s performance. (Fox News Digital)

Later in the day, in a drowsy West Philly of big houses which is so far to the left it makes Center City seem like Texas, I talked to three students. I was…

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