Why do evangelical Christians have so little power in our society?
According to some surveys, evangelical Christians compose roughly 25% of the U.S. population, and though we are known for our tendency to vote for conservative political candidates, we have little power outside our political preferences.
Smaller groups, by contrast, have much greater power in proportion to their numbers. A Gallup survey estimates that 7.6% of adults identify as LGBTQ, yet despite their numbers, they wield extraordinary power in our society. All major U.S. industries — from tech to business to entertainment to education to government — are dominated by radical feminists, pro-abortionists, LGBTQ activists, and godless secularists.
If evangelical Christians represent a quarter of our population, then where are the prominent evangelical entrepreneurs, up-and-coming business leaders, CEOs, innovators, and tech pioneers? They’ve got to be out…