According to the Biden White House, Vice President Kamala Harris will “assist states, local governments, law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service providers, and behavioral health and other social service providers in optimizing the usage of red flag laws — laws that allow a family member or law enforcement to seek a court order to temporarily take away access to guns if they feel a gun owner may harm themselves or others.”
Harris touted red flag laws on a recent visit to Parkland, Florida, site of a deadly school shooting in 2018. Parents concerned for the safety of their children might recall the vice president’s response to a similar attack one year ago at the Covenant School in Nashville.
On March 27, 2023, Audrey Hale, 28, gunned down nine-year-olds Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, and Hallie Scruggs. The shooter, a former Covenant student, also murdered custodian…