Bipoc News

A chance to protect California high school students’ health: Free condom distribution

Credit: pixabay

California’s 1.6 million high school students are starting another year, but without a critical school supply that I would argue is necessary for teens: condoms.

Why should California public high schools be required to provide condoms to students? Because condom availability programs are an effective public health strategy supported by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help keep sexually active high school students safe. According to the CDC:

This year, the Golden State has a golden opportunity to protect high school students in California from alarming statistics like these in the form of the YHES Act.

The Youth Health Equity + Safety (YHES) Act (SB 954) would expand access to condoms by requiring public and charter high schools to make free condoms readily available to students, giving them the opportunity to protect themselves from STIs that negatively…

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